Fish for life


Impressions from the BSF pilot facility at the farm of the Bunda college.

This page depicts some pictures about the progress in the BSF pilot facility at the farm of the Bunda college.

Mating BSF (left female)

Construction BSF mating cages Construction BSF mating cages, part of the team BSF mating cages ready Mating house, ready to be equipped with cages Traps to retrieve eggs from wild BSF females Checking organic substrate from traps for eggs and pupae Mating house Inside mating house Pupae collected from traps Pupae from traps Weighing pupae Drying potatoe peels Trashed mangos, considered a great substrate for BSF larvae Grinding mangos to achieve a perfect texture of the substrate Grinding potato peels Drying organic substrates Storage of potato peels. Preservation of organic substrates supports planning of larvae production Construction larvarium German-Malawi team working in mating house Inside larvarium Wild BSF adult Mating cages with BSF and cardboards to collect eggs Working in mating house BSF mating Solar dryer from the side Solar dryer ready to operate Solar dryer test with slices of mango... test passed ;-) jquery flash lightboxby v6.1

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